FEATURE: How to Read the Arab World
The Arab Past and Future: The Nostalgia and Dreams of Empire/Yamauchi Masayuki
Arab Thought and Worldview: Facilitating Dialogue between Japan and the Arab World/Morimoto Kosei/Ikeuchi Satoshi
Round Table
The Potential for Establishing Japan-Arab Relations/Sadamori Daiji/Tomota Tomiya/Hatanaka Yoshiki/Okuda Norihiro
How Arabs See Japan/Isam R. Hamza
Roadmap for an Arab Renaissance
Maen Nsour
Fashion Is a Universal Language/Mori Hanae
Is the Geneva Agreement a Mirage?/Nogami Yoshiji
My Heart Belongs to Lebanon/Honma Chieko
Toward Autonomous News Organization/Shinohe Jun’ya
Arab Who’s Who?/Fujiwara Kazuhiko
News from East Timor (last installment)The Cure for People’s Wounded Psyches/Asahi Hideaki
Deciphering Japanese Diplomatic Mistakes (last intallment)/Mikuriya Takashi/Sakamoto Kazuya/Kanehara Nobukatsu
American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (28)The Cold War and Freedom and Equality/Agawa Naoyuki
Visit to a University Seminar (64)Aichi Shukutoku University/Sanada Yukimitsu
Photo and Essay: “Wardrobe Diplomacy” (18)Famous Politicians’ Favorite Cigars/Nakajima Wataru
Window on the World (108)/Chino Keiko
Lead Essays: Fukuoka Fumiko/Numata Atsushi
Interview Corner (71)Translating Japanese Books to Arabic
Book Review/Fukagawa Yukiko
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan is one of the Ministerial Departments of the Cabinet of Japan, officially translated into English as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), responsible for the definition, management and implementation of Japanese diplomacy. On this Japanese Forum Gaiko you can find a journal of foreign affairs as well as foreign affairs publication and various Foreign Affairs Journal Articles.
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Foreign Affairs Journal Online
Since it was found in October 1988, Gaiko Forum has been a forum for serious discussion of Japanese foreign policy and a journal of foreign affairs and articles. All in all, Gaiko Forum is a journal of Japanese perspective on diplomacy and there are available foreign affairs publications, which are published in Tokyo. Since it was founded it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Japan. It is more than a magazine, it is an international forum of choice where you can find ideas, analysis debates on the most significant problems worldwide.