Gaiko Forum 2003 Summer
Gaiko Forum 2003 Fall
GAIKO FORUM 2003 Winter
Gaiko Forum 2003 Spring
GAIKO FORUM 2002 Summer
GAIKO FORUM 2002 Winter
GAIKO FORUM 2001 Winter
GAIKO FORUM 2001 Summer
GAIKO FORUM 2000 Summer
Gaiko Forum
Our goal is to promote better understanding of the diplomatic issues currently under debate among Japanese opinion leaders, in scholarship, business circles, journalism, politics, government, and on university campuses. Since its publication, the journal has drawn increasing attention in the press and among commentators on foreign affairs and international relations. Follow and be informed about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan and the best foreign policy magazines.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan is one of the Ministerial Departments of the Cabinet of Japan, officially translated into English as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), responsible for the definition, management and implementation of Japanese diplomacy. On this Japanese Forum Gaiko you can find a journal of foreign affairs as well as foreign affairs publication and various Foreign Affairs Journal Articles.
Foreign Affairs Journal Online

Foreign Affairs Journal Online
This Japanese Forum has an aim to become one of the best foreign policy magazines and the best journal of foreign affairs, where you can be able of sharing your foreign affairs journal subscription.
Foreign Affairs Journal Online
Since it was found in October 1988, Gaiko Forum has been a forum for serious discussion of Japanese foreign policy and a journal of foreign affairs and articles. All in all, Gaiko Forum is a journal of Japanese perspective on diplomacy and there are available foreign affairs publications, which are published in Tokyo. Since it was founded it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Japan. It is more than a magazine, it is an international forum of choice where you can find ideas, analysis debates on the most significant problems worldwide.