FEATURE: The Korean Peninsula and Japanese Diplomacy
FEATURE: South Asia in Turmoil
FEATURE: The Middle East and Japanese Diplomacy
FEATURE: A Season for Learning from Europe
No.173 FEATURE: The Korean Peninsula and Japanese Diplomacy
Round Table
The Vital Issue for Japan: Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula/Izumi Hajime/Tanaka Hitoshi/Yun Duk-min
Path to the Prime Minister’s Visit to North Korea and the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration /Hiramatsu Kenjii
ROK-Japan Relations in a New Phase/Oh Young-hwan
Emerging China, Stagnating Japan, and What About the Korean Economy?/Park Jung-dong
Framework for a Free Trade Agreement Between Japan and the ROK/Takewaka Keizo
Column Korean Peninsula Update
Japan-ROK Cultural Exchange/Kumagai Naohiro;K-Pop/Sakamoto Yuji; Court Music /Okeda Mariko;Ten Books on Korea/Ishizaka Kouichi;Films/Mihara Shigemi;
Contemporary Literature in North Korea/O Hyansuk
Ten New Novels on Korean Women/Hotei Toshihiro
Presidential Elections in the ROK/Tashiro Shunichiro
Reference: The History of Exchange since 1965
Interview Corner (56)A New Academic Community through Horizontal Communication/Mitani Taichiro
The Unknown History of Modern Japanese Diplomacy (4): Book Survivors/Takeuchi Haruhisa
Street Corners of the World: Prague
The Struggle against Flooding/Ohtaka Setsuko
Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (14)How to Better Yourself in the United States/Chano Junko
Twists and Turns in Japan’s 1930s Foreign Relations (3)Between Expansionism and the World Powers/Yatabe Atsuhiko
Visit to a University Seminar (48)
Seikei University: Tomita Takeshi
Photo and Essay: “Wardrobe Diplomacy” (2): Nelson Mandela and Brioni/Nakajima Wataru
Window on the World (92)/Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays/Ogura Akira/Kamanaka Hitomi
The Currency Situation in East Asia (10)Challenges for the Twenty-first Century/Sakuraba Chihiro
Book Reviews/Sakai Tetsuya
From Our Readers
No.172 FEATURE: South Asia in Turmoil
12 Round Table
The Eternal and Ever-changing in India-Pakistan Relations/Kobayashi Shunji/Nagasaki Nobuko/Horimoto Takenori
22 September 11 and South Asia’s Crisis /Stephen P.Cohen/Meena S. Mallipeddi
30 Japan’s South Asia Diplomacy: Asian Peer or Global Interests? Yes, Both/Hikihara Takeshi
38 The Indian Economy: Is It Really the Giant Untapped Market of the Twenty-first Century?/Kondo Masanori
46 The Soft Power of World Allure/Ogawa Tadashi
52 The Contemporary History of South Asia in Postage Stamps/Kurosaki Takashi
58 Candor Needed to Solve Problems: An Account of the Struggle to Succeed in Business in India/Tomota Tomiya
62 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (13) The Indian Ambassador Style of Teaching English/Aftab Seth
3・74 New Series/Photo and Essay: ” Diplomacy in Wardrobe: Kofi Annan’s Suits/Nakajima Wataru
69 The Emperor and Empress Tour the Central and Eastern Europe/Karita Yoshio
82 Visit to Statues of Foreign Ministry Related Historical Figures (3): The Lost Portrait of Henry W. Denison/Takeuchi Haruhisa
88 Twists and Turns in Japan’s 1930s Foreign Relations (2)Siam’s Revolution/Yatabe Atsuhiko
1 Visit to a University Seminar (47)Obirin University: Okuno Katsuo
5 Window on the World (91)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Sakuma Roku/Aida Hirotsugu
10 Interview Corner (55) True Friends of the Japanese People in Uzbekistan/Nakayama Kyoko
78 The Currency Situation in East Asia (9) Indonesia: A Perspective on the Rupiah Exchange Rate/Akama Hiroshi
96 Book Reviews/Hoshino Toshiya
99 From the Readers
12 Japan-China Relations at a Crossroads: Three Possible Scenarios/Wang Yizhou
16 Pursuing the New Japan-China Relations beyond the 1972 Systems/Kokubun Ryosei
24 Round Table /Understanding the Sources and Directions of Strength and Weakness/Oboshi Koji/Kato Chihiro/Soeya Yoshihide/Sato Shigekazu
34 Japanese ODA in China Opens Up the Future for the Two Countries/Watanabe Toshio
40 Assessing the China Threat: Implications for Japan/Robert G. Sutter
48 Kimura Takuya and Lu Xun: Japanese Soap on Chinese Campuses/Nakano Yoshiko/Wu Yongmei
51 Visits to the Events of “China Year”
55 Historical Materials/The China-Japan Joint Communique of 1972 Thirty Years of Bilateral Relations and V.I.P. Visits
60 New Series: Twists and Turns in Japan’s 1930s Foreign Relations: Japan-Thailand Relations in Cross-section./Yatabe Atsuhiko
67 COREPER, Controlling Behind-the-Scenes Force of the EU/Kurata Yasuo
72 Street Corners of the World: Oxford Learn from English-style Training of Lawyers /Taga Mikiko
82 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (12) This Is How Major Leaguers from Japan Are Learning English/Hasegawa Shigetoshi
1 Visit to a University Seminar (46)Hokkaido University: Yamanaka Akiko
3・92 Photo and Essay: “A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (12)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Window on the World (90)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Mochida Naotake/Tsugami Toshiya
10 Interview Corner (54)
Demining: A Form of Assistance Suited to Japan/Patrick M. Blagden
76 Visit to Statues of Foreign Ministry Related Historical Figures (2)The Henry W. Denison Statue and a Noble Soul of the Meiji Era/Takeuchi Haruhisa
88 The Currency Situation in East Asia (8)Taiwan: Toward Currency Integrity/Sakuraba Chihiro
96 Book Reviews/Fukagawa Yukiko
99 From the Readers
10 Interview Corner (53) Japan’s Leadership Role in Development Policy/Fujita Kimio
12 Making WSSD a Historical Turning Point / Kofi Annan
14 Round Table / What Japan Should Do for Realizing Sustainable Development?/Kohama Hirohisa, Matsumoto Jin’ichi, Yuge Akiko, Ishikawa Kaoru (moderator)
26 For Better Development: The Aims of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) /Abdou Aziz Sow
32 Let’s Do Something about the WSSD Crisis /Akasaka Kiyotaka
38 From Kananaskis to Johannesburg: What the G-8 Summits Have Discussed/Hosono Shin’ichi
44 Approaching a “Whole” Solution to the Issue:The OECD Contribution/Kondo Seiichi
50 How Afghanistan Has Changed/Komano Kin’ichi
56 NGO Projects in the Health Field: Not Substitute for but Precursor of Government Programs/Ikegami Kiyoko
60 Glossary/Chronology: “Sustainable Development” in Brief
63 The FIFA World Cup 2002: The Party Is Not Over/Embassy officials (Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Korea, Turkey, U.K.), with Nukazawa Kazuo (moderator)
69 Former J League Players Zico and Littbarski Publicize Japan!
70 New Series:Visit to Statues of Foreign Ministry Related Historical Figures (1)The Aura of the Mutsu Munemitsu Statue/Takeuchi Haruhisa
76 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (11) What It Would Take for a Japanese MBA to Surpass Harvard/Takeuchi Hirotaka
82 The Currency Situation in East Asia (7)China: Issues Involving Renminbi Yuan Rates/Akama Hiroshi
1 Visit to a University Seminar (45)Takushoku University: Yoshida Tsuneaki
3・92 Photo and Essay: “A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (11) /Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Window on the World (89)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Menju Toshihiro/Hayashi Shingo
86 American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (15)The Civil War and the Constitution/Agawa Naoyuki
96 Book Reviews/Sakai Tetsuya
98 From the Readers
Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (10) Nurturing Thinking Powers is the Starting Point of Learning/H.I.H. Princess Takamado
FEATURE: The Middle East and Japanese Diplomacy
Has the Tunnel Collapsed?: Reflections on the Middle East Peace Process/Nogami Yoshiji
Round Table/Understanding the Post-Sept. 11 World: The ExpandingMiddle East/Sakai Keiko/Sadamori Daiji/Tateyama Ryoji, and Ando Hiroyasu
A Local View of Japan’s Assistance to the Middle East Peace Process From Palestine: As a Member of the Global Village/Muhammad I. Shtayyeh
From Israel: There Is a Unique Role for Japan to Play /Akiva Eldar
U.S. Policy toward the Middle East/Ikeda Akifumi
Data: The ABCs of the Middle East Peace Process/Nakashima Isamu
Special from the British Journal GRANTA What We Think of America/Michael Ignatieff / Doris Lessing / Ramanchandra Guha / Ian Buruma
Special Contribution: Obituary Flora Lewis’s Spirit as a Professional /Tomoda Seki
Two Weeks with a North Korean Family Seeking Asylum/Kondo Seiichi
Street Corners of the World: Afghanistan Kabul Revisited/Hiraga Keiki
Visit to a University Seminar (44)Sophia University: Kawaguchi Hirose Kazuko
Photo and Essay: “A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (10)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
Window on the World (88)/Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays/Chiba Shigeo/Miyaji Naoko
Interview Corner (52)
The International Perspective is Needed in Health and Medical Services /Kita Etsuko
American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (14)Path to the Civil War, Part Two/Agawa Naoyuki
Book Reviews/Hoshino Toshiya
From the Readers
No.168 FEATURE: A Season for Learning from Europe
10 Interview Corner (51) Why Europe Now?/Arima Tatsuo
12 The New Era Calls for a “Common Security Policy” /Javier Solana Madariaga
19 The European Union: Reluctant Power?/William Wallace
26 Round Table /What Japan Can Learn from EU Innovations/Jitsu Tetsuya/Sasae Ken’ichiro /Tanaka Toshiro
36 Introducing the “Multilateral and Divisible Republican Form of Government”: Sovereignty and Foreign Policy in the EU/Endo Ken
42 Issues Raised in the French Presidential Election: The Bright and Dark Sides of European Integration/Yamaguchi Shoko
48 The European Central Bank as a Symbol of Integration/Goto Kenji
52 Why Japan Joins Hands with the EU?/Shin’yo Takahiro (Column: Action Plan for Japan-EU Cooperation)
60 My Way of Eliminating the “Knowledge Deficit”: Getting to Know the Unknown About Europe/Kurata Yasuo
66 Japan-Europe Relations in Figures
72 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (9) Master English If You Want to Excel in Science/Nakamura Shuji
82 American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (13)Path to the Civil War, Part One/Agawa Naoyuki
88 Honors Among Soldiers/Joseph L. Galloway
1 Visiti to a University Seminar (43)Otsuma Women’s University: Watanabe Yorizumi
3・92 Photo and Essay: “A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (9)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Window on the World (87)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Kunimatsu Takaji/Hirota Yasuyuki
71 Careful Business (4)Using Universities/Michael Phillips
78 The Currency Situation in East Asia (6)Malaysia: What Is Capital Control?/Akama Hiroshi
96 Book Reviews/FukagawaYukiko
98 From the Readers
12 From the Indian Ocean Alliance to Distant Afghanistan/Okamoto Yukio
20 Revising Foreign Policy and Reforming the Foreign Ministry:To Rectify the Errors of Politician-led Diplomacy /Kitaoka Shin’ichi
27 What It Takes to Be a Diplomat/Takeuchi Yukio
32 Japan’s Diplomatic Determination: A Summary of the Afghan Peace Conference/Oshima Shotaro
38 The Dawn of Public Diplomacy: Today Is the Time for and “Integrated” Diplomacy /Wada Jun
44 The Keys to Diplomacy for the New Era: The Media and Foreign Policy as a Domestic Issue/Hironaka Yoshimichi
50 Tony Blair’s Vision of a New World Order and Britain’s New Role/Hosoya Yuichi
56 Shrewd Putin Diplomacy: Russia Finds Its Ideal Leader/Ikuma Mikio
61 The Job of a Consul /Fukuya Hiroshi
66 Round Table
The Career Diplomat’s Dilemmas and Challenges /Otaka Masato/Kijima Yoshiko/Shinada Teruhiko/ Mizutori Mami/Yazama Hideyuki
76 Reflections on Ethnic Issues (12)Southeast Asia (final): The Complex Question of Nationalism and Ethnicity/Shiraishi Takashi
82 Street Corners of the World: Taiwan J Pop Popularity is Tops/Aoki Akiko
86 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (8)
International Community Needs Facilitators Who Speak English/Nagashima Yasuharu
1 Visit to a University Seminar (42)Waseda University: Urata Shujiro
3・92 Photo and Essay :”A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London”(8)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (86)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Yatabe Atsuhiko/Nakajima Wataru
10 Interview Corner (50)FIFA World Cup Greater National Project than Olympics/Okano Shun’ichiro
96 Book Reviews/Sakai Tetsuya
99 From the Readers
12 Special Round Table
Now Is the Time to Fill the Diplomacy Vacuum / Kojima Akira/ Miyauchi Yoshihiko/Taida Hideya/Tanaka Akihiko
(Supplementary Materials, “Ten Reforms for an Open Foreign Ministry”)
24 Global Trends and Japanese Economic Cooperation Reform:Why Japan Is Not a Trend Setter/Ohno Izumi/Ohno Ken’ichi
32 Round Table
Why ODA Is Important for Japan
/Chino Keiko/Sunagawa Makoto/Tanino Sakutaro/Watanabe Toshio
42 My Response to Calls for Review/Nishida Tsuneo
49 Discussion
The NGO-ODA Interface/Kinbara Kazuyuki/Takahashi Michiko/Akimoto Yoshitaka (moderator)
56 Columns: From the Scene of Development Assistance
Kosovo: The Japanese Flag in Kosovo /Okamura Yoshifumi
East Timor: Nation Building Starts with Training People/Takahashi Akira
United Nations: Toward Principled Assistance /Ueki Yasuhiro
62 Japan’s ODA in Statistical Data
66 Reflections on Ethnic Issues
Southeast Asia (2): The Question of Ethnicity/Shiraishi Takashi
72 President George W. Bush Visit to Japan: Toward an Action-oriented U.S.-Japan Alliance/Miyajima Akio
76 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (7)Enhance Your English Ability with Chameleon Communication /Sasaki Kaori
86 The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (12)Black Slaves and the American Constitution/Agawa Naoyuki
1 Visit to a University Seminar (41)Doshisha University: Murata Koji
3・92 Photo and Essay :”A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London”(7)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (85)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Matsuo Fumio/Miura Naoyuki
10 Interview Corner (49)
Society Should Be Weightier Than the State, Public Interest Weightier Than National Interest/Hayashi Yujiro
82 The Currency Situation in East Asia (5) Republic of Korea: ROK Invites Foreign Capital/Akama Hiroshi
96 Book Reviews/Hoshino Toshiya
98 From the Readers/Kohno Yohei
12 UNHCR Wins Support for Its Quality Work/Ruud Lubbers
14 Special Interview
The Unfinished Tasks of the “Abandoned Country”: After the International Conference on Afghanistan’s Reconstruction/Ogata Sadako/Sasae Ken’ichiro(interviewer)
23 The “Gained Decade”: The Japanese Humanitarian Aid Diplomacy/Takeda Isami
30 Kabul Immediately After the Taliban: What Do the War Victims Want?/Jakob Kellenberger/Morimoto Seiji (interviewer)
34 Round Table What We Can See at the Front Lines of Refugee Assistance /Asaba Shun’ichiro/ Fujiwara Ken/ Kumaoka Michiya/ Ohnishi Kensuke
46 The Forgotten Plight of Internally Displaced People: What the International Community Can Do for Them /Ohshima Kenzo
52 Twentieth Anniversary of the Refugee Convention /Aiboshi Koichi
57 The Condition of Japan’s Acceptance of Refugees
60 From Geneva, the Humanitarian Capital: A Day in the Life of a Secretary to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees /Kishimori Hajime
Essays from the Front Lines of Refugee Aid
33 Tajikistan/Mokuo Yukie
45 Myanmar/Ohiwa Yutaka
63 Iran/Odashima Toshiro
64 DATA For a Better Understanding of Refugee Problems
70 Reflections on Ethnic Issues
Southeast Asia (1): Nationalism/Shiraishi Takashi
76 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (6)
How to Learn English as a Business Tool/Hanawa Yoshikazu
84 The Currency Situation in East Asia (4) Singapore: The Policy of Non-internationalization of Currency /Sakuraba Chihiro
88 The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (11)Black Slaves and the American Constitution/Agawa Naoyuki
1 Visit to a University Seminar (40)
Kobe University: Iokibe Makoto
3・94 Photo and Essay :”A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London”(6)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (84)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Yamamoto Taketoshi/Osa Yukie
10 Interview Corner (48) “Comprehensive Support” Should be the Motto for Japan-China Relations/Luo Yiwen
82 Letter from Delhi (final) Visits to Sacred Sites in Buddhism /Hirabayashi Hiroshi
98 Book Reviews/Yasuoka Haruko
101 From the Readers
10 INTERVIEW CORNER (47)Secrets to Hong Kong’s World’s Greatest Economic Freedom / Cheung Man Yee
12 The Process of Reintegration and Unification with China: Social Changes and Political Development in Hong Kong / Tanigaki Mariko
18 Prospects for a “Greater Hong Kong” : Toward Acceptance of “Chinarization” and Unification / Inagaki Kiyoshi
24 DIALOGUE How to Cement Ties: Future Images of the Unique City of Hong Kong and Japan/Donald Tsang / Umezu Itaru
30 ROUND TABLE How Should Japan View Hong Kong: Getting Along with China in the WTO / Ishii Jiro / Korogi Ichiro / Tanaka Hitoshi/Tamura Hideo
40 The “One Country, Two Systems” Model in the Management of Criminal Judicature / Shikita Minoru
46 The Beijing Perspective: No Trouble Means Good Leadership /Nakai Yoshifumi
49 The London Perspective: U.K. Ties are Strong but Not Obtrusive /Michael Yahuda
52 “The Landscape of Hong Kong and the Vigor of Its People”/Saeki Satoshi1 / Fujii Shozo
56 Currency Situation in East Asia (3) Hong Kong Dollar: Unknown Episodes of the Fixed Exchange Rate System / Sakuraba Chihiro
60 DATA Hong Kong Today in Statistical Data
61 Japan Interpreted by Science / Michigami Hisashi
66 Japanese Private-sector Technology’s Central Role in Intellectual International Contribution / Shibata Tomoatsu
74 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (5)Bicultural People Will Head the Future /Ito Joichi
80 Street Corners of the World: Kuwait War and Women Issues: Why They Didn’t Flower after the Gulf War /Uchida Yuka
84 The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (10)Black Slaves and the American Constitution / Agawa Naoyuki
1 Visit to a University Seminar (3)
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: Sawada Yukari
3・90 Photo and Essay :”A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (5) / Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (83)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 LEAD ESSAYS Fujimura Takayoshi/Kiriyama Hideki
70 CHRONOLOGY After Terrorism
72 Letter from Delhi (11) A Repository of Historic Assets/Hirabayashi Hiroshi
90 How Experts Master a Language (10)Portuguese/Komuro Chiho
92 Book Reviews/Sado Akihiro
99 From the Readers
10 Interview Corner (46)Japan’s Stance on the Arabia/Kobayakawa Toshihiko
12 Dialogue
Religion Without Hatred: Islam’s Foundations of Tolerance and Peace
/Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi/Suto Takaya
18 Round Table
Why the Connection to Terrorism?: For Dialogue Among Civilizations
/Tanaka Koichiro/Degawa Nobuhisa/Nagasawa Eiji/Yamauchi Masayuki
30 Japan’s Policy toward Islam: A Proposal for Review of the “Dialogue” Policy/Katakura Kunio
37 Terrorists and Islam/Fujiwara Kazuhiko
42 Islam in the World
1) Middle East: The Demise of Terrorism/Fukuda Sadashi
2) Central Asia: How Extremism Breeds/Miyata Osamu
3) Iran: Behind Stability/Suzuki Hitoshi
4) U.S.: How to overcome Prejudice/Notoji Masako
5) Indonesia: Religious Factors Indispensable to Political Analysis/Miichi Ken
67 Needed: An Ibn Khardoon for the 21sth Century /Morimoto Kosei
75 Reference: What is Islam?/Kosugi Yasushi
78 Beyond Essentialism/Mojtaba Sadria
80 Watching Currency in East Asia (2)
China: What Will Happen to the Renminbi Yuan/Akama Hiroshi
86 Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (4)To Keep Passing on My View of What Is Interesting/Hitomi Noriaki
1 Visit to a University Seminar (38)Muroran Institute of Technology: Kanno Koko
90 Photo and Essay :A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (4)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (82)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/Suzuki Hiroyuki/Chino Keiko
84 Letter from Delhi (10) Chandra Bose /Hirabayashi Hiroshi
96 Book Reviews/Nakamoto Yoshihiko
99 From the Readers
Special Lead Essays: On Diplomacy
/Tatai Yoshio/Yoshida Shin’ichi/Ishii Yoneo/Kosaka Setsuzo/Akashi Yasushi/Joseph S. Nye, Jr./Wang Yizhou
How Solid Is Japan’s Foreign Policy?/Tanaka Akihiko
The Paradigm Shift from “Freedom” to “Safety”?/Okamoto Yukio/Nogami Yoshiji
Round Table
Reviewing the Foreign Policy of Major Countries
/Iwama Yoko/Kokubun Ryosei/Nakanishi Hiroshi/Murata Koji
Fly a “Universall” Flag in Foreign Policy/Nukazawa Kazuo
SPECIAL: AFTER THE SEPT. 11 TERRORIST ATTACKS (3) The Impact of September 11 on Foreign Policy in East Asia/Watanabe Taizo
New Series: Currency Situation in East Asia (1)Stop the Flow of Funds to Terrorists/Sakuraba Chihiro
Visit to a University Seminar (37
Gakushuin University: Inoue Toshikazu
Interview Corner (45)
Gear Public Works Investment to the Information Era/Aoyama Yasushi
Photo and Essay :”A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (3)/Suenobu Yoshiharu
Windows on the World (81)/Fujiwara Sakuya
Letter from Delhi (9) Kashmir /Hirabayashi Hiroshi
Encouragement of Careful Business (2)
“Priority”/Michael Phillips
Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: The Joy of English (3)
Cultivating Immersion at an Early Stage Is the Key toImprovement/Michael Bostwick
The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (9)Black Slaves and the American Constitution/Agawa Naoyuki
How Experts Master a Language (9)
Dutch/Akashi Miyoko
Book Reviews/Yasuoka Haruko
Contents in 2001
From the Readers
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Since it was found in October 1988, Gaiko Forum has been a forum for serious discussion of Japanese foreign policy and a journal of foreign affairs and articles. All in all, Gaiko Forum is a journal of Japanese perspective on diplomacy and there are available foreign affairs publications, which are published in Tokyo. Since it was founded it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Japan. It is more than a magazine, it is an international forum of choice where you can find ideas, analysis debates on the most significant problems worldwide.