No. 159
FEATURE: Ten Years since the Gulf War
FEATURE: Bella Figura, Italia!
Feature: Can Japan be a Maritime Superpower?
No. 155
Feature: A New Administration is Born: Picturing America’s Tomorrow
1 Visit to a University Seminar (36)Seoul National University: Chung Jae-Ho
10 Interview Corner (44)
Tourism Is a Key Topic of State Policy /Park Yangwoo
12 Korea, the State and Its People /Kamigaito Ken’ichi
18 For the Joint Korea-Japan Hosting of the World Cup Soccer Tournament/Lee Yun-Taek/Terada Terusuke/Ohshima Eiichi, moderator
24 Round Table
Toward a Bridge Over Japan-Korea History /Okonogi Masao/Hara Takeshi/Yamauchi Masayuki
34 High School Students Who Wanted to Transcend National Boundaries
/Kikuchi Akinori/Takei Hajime
38 Dialogue
History and Beyond /Jin Chang Soo/Michigami Hisashi
44 Prime Minister Koizumi Visits Korea /Hiramatsu Kenji
45 “Seoul Boys” Story /Yamanouchi Kanji
48 INTERVIEW Who’s Who in Korea Today?/Park Choon-Ho/Lee Myung-Bak/Paik Seunggi/Won Lee-Sook/Kwon Byong-Woo/Kim Woo-Sik/Lee In-Soo/Suh Se-Ok/Kim Eui-Jung/ParkSeo Bo/Yoon Kwang-Cho/Cho E-Yeon/Park Kitai/Yoo Daekyoon/Lee Jung-Jae/Kim Yun-Jin
62 Korea a la Carte /Korea House/Han Jung Hea’s Cooking Academy/Wooil Ceramics/Korean Royal Stone
65 A Crisis for Religious and Cultural Pluralism /Kinoshita Reiko
70 “Professor, Do You Hear the Tones of Islam? / Magosaki Ukeru
74 How Does Japan Deal with?/Ina Hisayoshi
78 Chronology
3・90 Photo and Essay : “A Century after Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (2) / Suenobu Yoshiharu
5 Windows on the World (80)/Fujiwara Sakuya
8 Lead Essays/ Kurata Yasuo/Tashiro Shun’ichiro
81 Encouragement of Careful Business (2) “Risk-Taking”/Michael Phillips
82 Letter from Delhi (8) Symbiosis of Religions /Hirabayashi Hiroshi
84 The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (8)
The Cherokee Incident and the Trail of Tears/Agawa Naoyuki
94 How Experts Master a Language (8)Serbo Croatian/Kawahara Hitoshi
96 Book Reviews/Sado Akihiro
99 From the Readers
Fifty Years Since the San Francisco Peace Treaty/Hosoya Chihiro
Round Table
Security Reforms: Japan’s Last Bastion
/Sakamoto Kazuya/Sasajima Masahiko/Morimoto Satoshi/Umemoto Kazuyoshi, moderator America’s Policy Toward Northeast Asia and the Relationship Between the United States and Japan/James E. Auer
What is Sea Lane Defense?
/Kawamura Sumihiko
What We Need for a New Defense Policy: Revision of the Defense Outline
/Sado Akihiro
Japan-U.S. Military Cooperation System and an Independent Security Strategy for Japan
/Ebata Kensuke
Aspects of the Ballistic Missile Defense Plan
/Ozawa Toshiro
A Handy Guide to “Ballistic Missiles”/Kaneda Hideaki
Reportage: University Students Talk with Self-Defense Officials
Reference Books and Reports/
Ishikawa Taku
The New Frontier of the 21st Century Alliance/Watanabe Akio
Attack on America!
The Open Society and Its Enemies/Yamauchi Masayuki
Where Does This “War” Lead?/Sakamoto Kazuya
Visit to a University Seminar (35)
National Defense Academy
Windows on the World (79)
/Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays/ Fukushima Akiko/Uchida Tsuyoshi
Interview Corner (43)Is Crime-less Prosperity Impossible?
/Shikita Minoru
New Series: Encouragement of Careful Business Prejudices about Japanese “Secregy”
/Michael Phillips
Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: How is Your English? (2)Genuine Communication Starts by Being Not Afraid of Making Mistakes
/Sakamoto Kazuichi
Letter from Delhi (7) Journey to Bhutan/Hirabayashi Hiroshi
The American Stories from the U.S. Constitution (7)
The Cherokee Incident and the Trail of Tears/Agawa Naoyuki
Letter from OECD, Paris (24)The Silk Road/Kondo Seiichi
Book Reviews/Nakamoto Yoshihiko
From the Readers
The Spirit of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance Today / Fujii Hiroaki
Round Table /Evaluating Blair’s U.K.: What Japan Can Learn/ Kuroiwa Toru / Hama Noriko / Taida Hideya/Shinyo Takahiro, moderator
We Can Help the Japanese Reform Process/Sir Stephen Gomersall / David Powers, Interviewer
The Source of the Power and the Great Resilience/Lord David Howell / Fukushima Kiyohiko
A Macho Asset Manager with Lessons to Heed:
If “The U.K. in the Far East” is Japan’s Future /Taniguchi Tomohiko
Japan 2001: A New Type of “Special Relationship”?/Christopher Purvis
From the Motherland of Soccer /Hayashi Shingo
Environmental NPO Groundwork for Japan-U.K. Interchange /Oyama Yoshihiko
Photograph and Essay Series: “A Century after
Natsume Soseki’s Sojourn in London” (1)
Kinnosuke Goes to London / Suenobu Yoshiharu
Talks with Kinoshita Reiko: Rethinking Japan’s English
Education (1) The Rebuilding of Japanese Society
Requires More Attention to Children / Annaka Yasuo
The Genova Summit: Shift to Simplification and Expansion / Takase Junichi
Putting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treat into Effect / Abe Nobuyasu
Japan’s Recent Diplomatic Relations with Cambodia/ Takahashi Taeko
Visit to a University Seminar (34) / Aoyama Gakuin University
Windows on the World (78) / Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays / Kobayashi Shotaro / Matsuoka Yuko
Interview Corner (42)
How We Became the Pioneers of a New Kind of Airline / Ohtani Yukio
Letter from Delhi (6) The Condition of Women/ Hirabayashi Hiroshi
Letter from OECD, Paris (23)The Euro and the “French Exception” / Kondo Seiichi
How Experts Master a Language (7)
Norwegian: Matsumura Hajime
Book Reviews / Yasuoka Haruko
From the Readers
No.158 FEATURE: Ten Years since the Gulf War
Won’t It Happen Again? : What Happens If the Gulf War Outbreaks Again? / Okamoto Yukio
How Did Japanese Foreign Ministry Respond Then? / Matsuura Koichiro/ Kondo Seiichi, interviewer
What Was the Meaning of the Gulf War? : Looking Back the Turning Point for Japan/ Kitaoka Shin-ichi/ Yamazaki Masakazu/ Watanabe Taizo/ Kasuya Kazuki, chairman
Security of Japan in the Post-Cold War Period: Security Alliance, Not Sharing the Common Fate/ Kato Ryozo
OPEC’s Shift to Open Door Policy: Japan’s Belated Energy Diplomacy/ Sudo Shigeru
Looking back on Iraq Sanctions / Jingzhang Wan
Forefront of Relief Supplies Cooperation with America: Between Obligation and Limitations/ Miyake Kunihiko
Reality of “War” and “Hostages”: What happened at the Embassy of Japan in Kuwait?/ Shirota Akio
“Operation Gulf Dawn” and the 511-members Party/ Ochiai Taosa
What does “Open Foreign Ministry” Mean? : Participating in the Formulation of Foreign Ministry Reformation Plan/ Kanasugi Kenji
History and Memory / Toya Minae
The American Story from the U.S. Constitution (6)
Justice Marshall and Superiority of the Federal State/ Agawa Naoyuki
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (6)
1990’s: From the Gulf War to the New Age of U.S.-Japan Alliance/ Murata Koji
Visit to a University Seminar (33) Nihon University
Windows on the World (77)/Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays
Matsuda Saburo / Akio Satoko
Japan and Germany: Hope of Building the Mutually Beneficial Cultural Ties/ Astrid Becker
Letter from Delhi (5) Economic Reform/ Hirayabashi Hiroshi
How Experts Master a Language (5)
Persian: Suzuka Mitsuji
Book Reviews/Sado Akihiro
From the Readers
No.157 FEATURE: Bella Figura, Italia!
It is All Clear for Smooth-Sailing of a Mature Bilateral Relation /Gabriele Menegatti
INTERVIEWDecline of the Roman Empire Began with Political Dysfunction / Shiono Nanami
Does Olive Tree Bloom at “Casa delle Liverta”?/ Nishikawa Megumi
Two Faces of Italy: For a More Intimate Italia-Japanese Relationship / Hayashi Akira
Meaning of Being an “Art Country” / Ishinabe Masumi
Things Not Visible in a One-Way Cultural Exchange / Nishimoto Koji
True Face of Milanese: Is It Attraction of the City or the Latent Energy of the People? / Kobayashi Hajime
Spoon to Townscape: Power of Expression Created by History /Sato Kazuko
G8 Summit Meeting: A Visit to Genova / Uchikawa Akihiko
Who’s Who? Italians Making Headlines Today / Roberto Maggi
“ Italia in Giappone 2001”: All About the Way of Life / Umberto Donati
A Rich Dining Table:
From Siena: Not a Recipe / Oya Lorenzo Akio
From Rome: Wine Report: / Assaggi Vin
Geneva-based International Institutions
Trends in Employment and Countermeasures: A Practical Guide for Young Aspirants / Shimada Hiroko
Considering “ Ethnic Problem” (9) : Middle East
Re-looking at the Relation among Races, Nations and Religions / Usuki Akira
The American Story from the U.S. Constitution (5)
Who will Interpret the Constitution? / Agawa Naoyuki
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (5)
1980’s: From New Cold War till the End of the Cold War / Murata Kohji
Visit to a University Seminar (31)
Ibaragi University
Tokyo Welcomes the Guest (14
Alessandro Marchetti (Italy)
Windows on the World (76)/Fujiwara Sakuya
Lead Essays
Iwakura Tomotada / Ohtake Akiko
Letter from Delhi (4) Official
Development Aid/ Hirayabashi Hiroshi
Letter from OECD, Paris (22)
Rough and Smooth/Kondo Seiichi
How Experts Master a Language (5)
Arabic: Miyamoto Masayuki
Book Reviews/Nakamoto Yoshihiko
From the Readers
No.156 Feature: Can Japan be a Maritime Superpower?
Gravure :Interview : Aspects Concerning Sea ? Issues facing Japan/ Soji Yamamoto
What should Maritime-Nation Japan Do?/ Annick De Marffy
Japan’s Mission Ought to be Global Contribution/ Hiroshi Sato
Hints for Understanding the U.N. Law of the Sea/ The Ocean Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asian Seas and the Pirate Menace/ Hiroshi Terashima
Studying Ocean Scientifically/ Noriyuki Nasu
Marine Literature of the World and Marine Literature of Japan/ Atsushi Kojima
① Maritime Safety Agency- Working Round-the-Clock / Japan Coast Guard
② Researching on Sea/ Kentaro Ando
③ Busy but Attractive International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
/ Miyuki Nakai
Possibility of ASEAN+3―Towards the Establishment of East Asian Regionalism/ Takashi Terada
Considering “Ethnic Problems”(8) Middle East ②What’s the Jerusalem Problem?/ Akira Usuki
Observing the World Cities (Brazil)Transforming Cerrado into Green Earth/ Hiroshi Aoki
Reading American Story through the American Constitution(4)
Three “ Founders of the Nation” ―Birth of the American Constitution/ Naoyuki Agawa
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (4)
1970’s: From Nixon to Carter Administration/Koji Murata
Visit to a University Seminar (31)
Kyoto University
3 Tokyo Welcomes the Guest (11)
Annette Erbe (Germany)
Windows on the World (73)/Sakuya Fujiwara
Lead Essays
Masahiro Akiyama/Alexander Bukh
Interview Corner (39)
The “Fish” War Might Occur/Yuriko Shiraishi
Letter from Delhi (3) Caste / Hiroshi Hirabayashi
How Experts Master a Language (4)
Vietnamese: Masuo Ono
Letter from OECD, Paris (21)
How to Compromise/Seiichi Kondo
Book Reviews/Haruko Yasuoka
From the Readers
Considering Japan-Africa Relations in the 21st Century/ Hideo Oda
ROUND TABLE/ Why Japan is Looking towards Africa Now?/ Katsumi Hirano / Akio Fujiwara / Masaki Miyaji / Toshinori Shigeie
What Japan Can Do for the Prevention and Solution of Conflicts?/ A.T. Toure / Interviewer: Kimihiro Ishikane
North Africa: Between Africa and the Middle East/ Kazuo Miyaji
Problems of Islam in West Africa/ Yoshihito Shimada
Twenty-seven Years of Kenya Nuts / Yoshiyuki Sato
Africa a la carte
①HIV/ AIDS Problem
②Twenty Years in a Mali Village / Kazue Murakami
③Visiting School in Kenya / Yoshitaka Sakurada
④A New South Africa / Kumiko Okuno
⑤Hippalos Centre
⑥An Encounter with J.M. Coetzee /Akio Fujiwara
⑦African Festa 2001
The Energy Policy in the 21st Century/ Daniel Yergin / Dennis Eklof / Interviewer: Hidenori Sobashima
“Ethnic Issues” Middle East (1)
How to Capture the Correlation between Race, Religion and State?/ Akira Usuki
The American Story from the U.S. Constitution (3) Birth of the American Constitution / Naoyuki Agawa
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (3)
1960s-From Reischauer to Johnson / Koji Murata
Visit to a University Siminar (30) / Yokohama City University
Tokyo Welcomes the Guest (12) / Klavdiya Kisenkova (Russia)
Windows on the World (74)/ Sakuya Fujiwara
Lead Essays / Satoshi Ooka / Ichiro Majima
Interview Corner (38)”A Reverse Trade Faire” as a Unique Sample of Economic Diplomacy / Yoshihiko Saeki
Letter from Delhi (2) Nuclear Test / Hiroshi Hirabayashi
Letter form OECD, Paris (20)
Chaos / Seiichi Kondo
How Experts Master a Language (3)
Indonesian / Minoru Shirota
Book Reviews / Akihiro Sado
From the Readers
Simulation for Japan’s Deterioration and Scenario for Japan’s Rebirth/Takatoshi Ito
Why Japan-Singapore “Free Trade Agreement” Now?/Shujiro Urata/Simon SC Tay/Linda Low/Hitoshi Tanaka
Perfect Timing for Buying Out Japan/Kenneth Courtis/Hideya Taida
U.S.-Japan Economic Relationship: From Bilateral Relations to Multilateral
Stage/ Marcus Noland/Shinichi Kitajima
The Future of the WTO New Round/Yorizumi Watanabe
Japan’s Technology and Its Power: What is the Exit Strategy for a Manufacturer/Toshifumi Takaoka
Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat/Masayuki Yamauchi
New Series: Letter from Delhi (1)
Friendship with Japan/Hiroshi Hirabayashi
Four Principles in Japanese Diplomacy towards Myanmar/Isami Takeda
The American Story from the U.S. Constitution (2)The Supreme Court Selects the President/Naoyuki Agawa
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (2)1950’s: From “Wonderland” to Security Treaty/Koji Murata
Visit to a University Seminar (29)The National University of Singapore
Tokyo Welcomes the Guest (11)
Dinah Roma (Philippines)
Windows on the World (73)/Sakuya Fujiwara
Lead Essays/Yoshimasa Nishimura/Yoshikatsu Suzuki
Interview Corner (37)
The New Japan-U.S. Relations at the Turning Point/Yohtaro Kobayashi
Bookshelves around the World/Sadaharu Kataoka/Ken Jimbo
How Experts Master a Language (2)Thai: Atsushi Iwasaki
Letter from OECD, Paris (19) Sunset in Barbados/Seiichi Kondo
Book Reviews/Yoshihiko Nakamoto
Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837/Der Moderne Soziale Konflikt/Witnesses of Showa’s Destiny
From the Readers & Informataion
No.153 Feature: A New Administration is Born: Picturing America’s Tomorrow
ROUND TABLE Rethinking U.S.-Japan Relations: Japan’s Vision is in Question
Makoto Iokibe/Fumiaki Kubo/Ichiro Fujisaki/Yoshihiko Wakumoto
The Road is Far to Bushnomics: It’s the Central Banker, Stupid!
Tomohiko Taniguchi
When the Revolving Door Moves
Hisayoshi Ina
‘Clash of Cultures’: What Senator Hillary Clinton Manifests
Reiko Kinoshita
Can Bush II be a Ruler?
Bob Keefe
Reports from the U.S.: America’s Confidence
Hiroyasu Ando/Mitoji Yabunaka/Nobuaki Tanaka/Miho Ohashi
The New Administration’s Who’s Who?
Shizuka Sawaragi
Looking at U.S.-Japan Relations from Hollywood Films
Takeshi Tanikawa
The American Story from the U.S. Constitution (1)
The Supreme Court Selects the President
Naoyuki Agawa
Chronicles of the Japan Hands (1) Prewar to Postwar: Joseph Grew
Koji Murata
How Experts Master a Language (1)
Cambodian: Daisuke Kuroki
Here Comes a Japanese Hero in Cuba
Mishio Suzuki
On the Streets: Sydney
What is Behind the Japanese Language Fever
Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson
Visit to a University Seminar (26)”
Columbia University
Tokyo Welcomes the Guest (8) Kang Jeung-ja
Windows on the World (70) Sakuya Fujiwara
Lead Essays Mikio Haruna/Yumiko Murakami
Interview Corner (34)In Quest of a Hybrid Company Ichiro Yoshimoto
Bookshelves around the World Sadaharu Kataoka/Toshihiro Nakayama
Letter from OECD, Paris (16)Japan Blend Seiichi Kondo
Relay Essay: Working on Preventive Culture in the UN
Mari Yamashita
Book Reviews/Haruko Yasuoka
“Russia in Ruins””Night Stories of Translations””The Handbag”
From the Readers & Information
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Since it was found in October 1988, Gaiko Forum has been a forum for serious discussion of Japanese foreign policy and a journal of foreign affairs and articles. All in all, Gaiko Forum is a journal of Japanese perspective on diplomacy and there are available foreign affairs publications, which are published in Tokyo. Since it was founded it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Japan. It is more than a magazine, it is an international forum of choice where you can find ideas, analysis debates on the most significant problems worldwide.